Credits and Disclaimers



All the disclaimers given below are ones specific to each category of publications and all the disclaimers in the Notice to Visitors are still applicable.

We have removed all our previously displayed AI generated content and will continue to do so as part of our AIGC Stance.

For Sidebar: The "Take Five" banner displayed is used as made available to the public who wishes to promote the cause as shared in the "General Toolkit" of the site.

For Gallery: The photographs displayed here may require hazardous actions to be taken in order to be captured. If any viewer wishes to replicate such methods, those actions should be done on their own accord and the Owner takes no responsibility nor endorses these methods.

For Creative Works: All content created is a product of the creator's imagination. Any resemblance to any person living or dead is coincidental. Furthermore, these contents are not any sort of endorsement of any sort.

For Articles: These articles may sometimes include personal opinion-based suggestions. The choice to implement the proceedings is at the sole discretion and responsibility of the User. The Owner takes no responsibility for any damages nor guarantees factual accuracy. The knowledge provided here, should not be used as a substitute for formal education nor is provided citation ready.

For Merch: All items sold here should be downloaded at the moment through the buying site, if failed to do so, you won't be able to retrieve them again. Please make sure to download it. 

Credits and Disclaimers Credits and Disclaimers Reviewed by Riveen Kumanayaka on July 12, 2022 Rating: 5
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