A Point to Ponder

image of a brown egg being descriminated by white eggs

Hello everyone, today's post is not my story to tell, it's hero is Mr Gimhan Sooriyabandara, my debating mentor. The story is a representation of how backwards mindsets still exist today. Lemme cut to the chase.

So, on a simple evening, Mr. Gimhan sees a certain post that somewhat looks like the one below.

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Legends of the 90s

3h · 

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And being a teacher and coach who work with both male and female students and see the progress the female students are making, Mr Gimhan puts his viewpoint through.

Gimhan Sooriyabandara
By 2040,50 we'll see all positions being handled by girls. The current executives were in school and college in the 90's, and girls still didn't have full freedom. The current generation will take over in a few decades
3h · Like · Reply

And he is immediately met with live fire. He receives a sizable number of reactions and several commentors even begin berating him.

Mohommed Abdulla
Gimhan Sooriyabandara
Simp 😂😂😂
2h · Like · Reply

Ali Mahmoud
Gimhan Sooriyabandara S I M P
2h · Like · Reply

To these Mr Gimhan calmly replies why he said so and explains his basis.

Gimhan Sooriyabandara
Mohommed Abdulla Ali Mahmoud not a SIMP I'm a TEACHER who sees the progress of girls on a daily basis. That's right, I am a high school teacher and I am making a statement with a basis
42m · Like · Reply

This is followed by the following comment and response of which the initial comment dissappears within 26 minutes atleast they learnt thier lesson.

Siddharth Patel
Gimhan Sooriyabandara I have a news for you good in school means literally nothing.
26m · Like · Reply

Gimhan Sooriyabandara
Siddharth Patel
This statement alone kinda shows why nowadays girls are doing better in education 😁
8m · Like · Reply

And that brings us to the end of this story.

Education should be a fair game irrespective of gender, race, wealth... Also, being fair with women doesn't make you any less of a man...

Gimhan Sooriyabandara

Unfortunately, we still live in a transitional era where acceptance of gender equal progression is not universal. That would only hinder the universal acceptance. Hope you enjoyed this story, what are your views of this? Let us know in the comments.

*Names of the commentors and posters have been changed and profile pictures are from Pexels.com*

A Point to Ponder A Point to Ponder Reviewed by Riveen Kumanayaka on October 17, 2021 Rating: 5

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