Think before you click

Hello everyone!Today, I will be explaining what click bait really is.

So, first of all, what is Click Bait? Click bait is a text designed to attract people into clicking a link. Which is usually false! These are used for advertising purposes, PHISHING and HACKING. Usually these messages use names of famous companies, brands and figures. But you shouldn't click any link without verifying its originality.

Did you know that these messages are hoaxes? To learn how to be safe from hoaxes, click here

Hackers and other organisations can retrieve many information from your device, just by you clicking a link. 

Some Information that can be Extracted Very Easily.

This information was retrieved easily by using an external service. Don't worry I don't collect any of these information.

Plus, just clicking a link can download a file into your device. For example, clicking here would download an image into your device. Did you know that some malware can be bound inside these files? These files once downloaded, will infect your device.

Also these links may redirect you to different pages which might contain malware. To understand the possibility, click here or paste this to your searchbar and search 

( )

 This will open a link that will redirect you to this page again.

So I hope you learned something from this. If you like this, consider supporting me via Buy Me a Coffee ☕ 

Think before you click Think before you click Reviewed by Riveen Kumanayaka on October 11, 2022 Rating: 5

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