Sri Lanka and why Sinhala?

Hello everyone, welcome again. This post would be the pilot of the Sinhala Language and Culture series. This post will cover your basic questions when accessing this series. First of all, the best perk is that this is free and made by myself (a native speaker) and proofread through professional teaching content.

So, the first big question is: What is Sri Lanka? Sri Lanka is a beautiful island nation to the south of India (No we aren't part of India). Home to a culture that runs over 2000 years to the past rich with many cultural elements shaped through the different races, faiths and people living together. Perhaps a country you saw in the headlines a few months ago.

Secondly: Why Sri Lanka? Sri Lankan history is as rich as Egypt and Babylon; It's a culture that is unique in its own way. With rapid globalisation, we see the Sri Lankan factor slowly dissolving out of society. Similar to how people are intrigued by the wonders of the famous cultures, I hope to show the world that Sri Lanka is a better place worth investing your time to learn about. 

Thirdly: Why Sinhala? Sinhala to the close observer can be the most intriguing language in the world. Also, Sinhala is a direct descendant of one of the oldest languages in the world, Sanskrit. Also, given the rich sounds in Sinhala, when familiar, you're a winner in pronouncing that hard word next time.

What Sri Lanka truly is 

To a quick glance, Sri Lanka only looks a country in economic downfall and political turmoil; but if you look closer, you will see a country worth visiting and loving. Sri Lanka boasts a wide range of topography, climate and attractions inside the little island. Cold to hot, we have options: Kandy to Jaffna. Tasty food and lovely people; food rich in taste and people rich by heart.
A country who has a mad craze for cricket, and home to Sri Lanka cricket. A country that gets you the Spices, Tea and Coconut: the home to cinnamon and Ceylon Tea. 

So, stay tuned for more posts and learn more about the Pearl of the Indian Ocean...

Sri Lanka and why Sinhala? Sri Lanka and why Sinhala? Reviewed by Riveen Kumanayaka on November 08, 2022 Rating: 5

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